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CLONINGOne of the more sophisticated game features included with the new U-1.0 patch is the ability to clone yourself. It's easy and it works. To clone yourself you must go to the Clone Farm. The Clone Farm is located Downtown inside a triangle made by Sewage Control, Ore Processing 2 (off of the 'Downtown' center where Downtown Moths is), and the famous Downtown 05 hangar. It's on the top of a pretty high column. The easiest way to find it is to exit either Downtown 05 or Sewage Control and look up and in front of you. This is Vacant 0039 in the unpatched game. You can get a pic of the Clone Farm here. Enter the Clone Farm and buy a clone for $5000. Now go to your hangar and use the new "Install" function in your hangar. You must have a hangar to use the cloning feature. The Install function is under "Owner Controls". It will install the clone in your hangar. Hopefully, you can install turrets and other stuff on your hangar in the future. Now, if you get killed, the game doesn't end. Your clone will be automatically activated. The effect is that the game doesn't end. You are magically transported to your hangar. You will be on foot, you still lose the Moth you died in and any cargo you were carrying. You've also used up that clone and will have to get another if you want one. THE CLONING DEVICEYou don't necessarily have to install a clone. You can unload it and sell it from your hangar or sell them at a Trading Post for the same $5000 you paid for it. No profit in trading, but if you find a pirate carrying one remember that they're more valuable than Narcotics. Note that due to the high value of a Cloning Device, you're quite apt to be targeted and attacked by pirates. I am not yet sure whether or not the AI pilots use cloning. But, I've sure been attacked for carrying a Cloning Device. I've had a Cloning Device for sale in my hangar at a big discount and no one's picked it up yet. You can also have multiple clones in the same or multiple hangars. The clones are activated in chronological order. The first clone you install will be the first one used. The second will be second and so on.
ASHLOCKE'S DRAWBACKLoyal and Greedy Pilot Ashlocke posed the question of what would happen if you died while making the final run in Syd's special Moon Moth at the end of the plot and came back as a clone? Would there be another Moon Moth or is all hope of getting off of Titan lost? Well, I've done it and it ain't pretty. First off, once you're cloned everyone's still gunning for you just like you're still in the special Moon Moth. Secondly, there's not another Moon Moth to be found. I'm going to keep this world going to see if another is produced or there's another way off. But, my current conclusion is that you're stuck. Domino Discovers Clone Trading"I dropped [jettisoned] a cloning devise in the alpha crater, it was picked up by a pirate, that pirate was obviously enemies with Lazarus and got his ass kicked. "Ten minutes of waiting followed, eventually a Hawk Scavenger picked it up and carted it off to the alpha trading post. I entered the trading post and the Cloning Device was gone. I thought it might have just been a glitch in the patch, BUT there were two traders in there with me, Downtown Trader #1 and and independent flyer. "Later I traveled to Trade Central to sell some of my well earnt pirating goods, and to my supprise there was the Cloning Devise, priced at a hefty 6130 credits!!! This proves that the patch has programed the Device into the AI pilots, scavengers, pirates and traders are equiped to travel with it." -- Domino This answers a very important question: Do AI pilots trade or use the cloning device. The answer from Domino is yes, they do trade it. Does anyone know if they install them and use them? Has anyone seen any "ressurected" AI pilots?
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