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Below are patches made by Hardwar fans. They do a variety of things as described below. All have been tested on the versions indicated and have been scanned by MalwareBytes to be virus- and spyware-free. Enhanced with Hardwar GoodiesRustiSwordz sent me this pack that includes all current versions of Hardwar Enhanced. It also includes a nice selection of Hardwar and Enhanced utilities. OUCH's PatcherThe current (2011) version of OUCH's easy to use Hardwar patching utility. From the included instructions: It allows you to easily alter certain statistics in the hardwar game world.Currently you can alter: Cells: Power Storage, recharge rate, mass. Engines: Max thrust force, directional thrust force, idle power useage, max power useage, directional power useage, Mass. Moth Stats: Item ID, Name, Model Name, Mass,Drag Factor, Artic Name, Weapon points, passenger seat, artic ID, Hit points, Price. Pods: Item ID, Max Item Types, Max Items, Mass, Texture Name, Model Name. Items: Terminal name, in game name, price, model, mass, description, type. All the pilot names including: the random ones, random thug ones, and the unique starting pilot names. With much more on the way! HardEdit 2.04A zipped file that allows you to edit many features of the game by editing the HardwarW.exe file. Simple to understand interface. No programming skills required. Make sure to copy and back up your original HardwarW.exe file before editing. More tips in the ReadMe file. HardExtractThis zipped program lets you extract all of the various graphic and audio files in the Hardwar.res file. Building SwapperThis editor allows you to move the building around. Great for experimenting. ResEditEdit anything in the Hardwar.res file. This file contains textures, sounds, and other data used in the game. Map TestThis program lets you view the Hardwar Map and its features. Moth EditorView and edit Moths. You can then put your edited moths in the game. Changing Weather - by FlapThe weather changes randomly with major trends depending on the day. This script alone does not change the gameplay. But it can be loaded with other scripts. Chemical Generator - by Flap"Chemicals R Us is proud to introduce you its new chemical generator : Unlimited power, no more waiting at the light wells ! Be the first to take advantage of Titan's thick weather. All swallows are now fitted with the Chemical Generated : Thanks to a catalysed reaction betwenn the water and carbonical components found in the atmosphere, the generator produces its own power. Power generation depends on the condensation level : It recharges quicker close to the ground, at the clouds level or in very thick fog. For a better efficiency, don't forget to purchase the latest power management software found at the Software Refinery! (in Riverside, not the real one). Disclaimer : Chemicals'r Us can not be considered responsible for all engine malfunctionning in case of power shortage. Keep you cell recharged". Rem : It does only work with swallows divren by the player. The script might be more interresting when used with "ChangingWeather". Explosive Fusion - by FlapDamaged fusion cells can get explosive. But they can be installed in your hangars to automatically recharge any moth landing in it. To install or unstill, drop the cell in your hangar. Then, using the chat box ("c" key for U3.00b5, or go on the message board for U2.04) the message "fusion" to the character "Install". HardTrek - by TeethVery cool game mod that gives Hardwar a Star Trek theme. Good instructions included. Teeth's World - by TeethWorld files to add buildings and rooms to Hardwar. Three Of Wez's Worlds - by WezA single zipped pack of three of Wez's popular world files for Hardwar. Includes: Wez 6-5-05, Wez 6-27-05, and Wez Port v.10 10-5-05. No instructions or ReadMe, but just back up your Hardwar directory for restoration and copy the world files into your current Hardwar directory. You will also want to download missing wez files. They contain some textures missing from the above that can cause game crashes and video anamolies. - thanks Pilot Jinx. Chicken Moth - by QuoldThe above is a screenshot of the Chicken Moth by Quold. The download pack includes instructions on installing this weird Moth. Click the pic for a bigger view in a new window. Dread Moth - by QuoldAbove is Quold's Dread Moth. Click the pic for a full sized view. Instructions included. Looks a lot like Star Trek's Voyager series. Economy 1Economy 1 is a goods monitor. It will track the flow of goods during the game. A DOC file of instructions is included. Disk Space Check Skipper Plagued Mind and MunThis is quite a common problem, before Windows XP computers couldn't handle more than 40GBs due to the Fat32 formating, Install a Terabyte harddrive and format it in Fat32, you won't be able to save anything over 4 GBs at a time. When Hardwar tries to install it scans the harddrive and once you reach a certain amount (32,000 KB area?) the numbers turn into negatives. So any harddrive that has over 40GB will return a negative number, giving Hardwar's drive space checker a false negative. |
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