Online Game Options
The online game plays much like the offline game except that no plot events occur unless a player starts them from a 'Plot Jump' in God Hangar. In addition, you can kill traders and scavengers without the police coming after you. This is not true of the faction ships and the Police.
There are specific online game options that the host sets before running the game. These are found under the 'Network' tab in the Main Launch Menu and will apply to all pilots joinng the game.
PLAYER ANNOUNCEMENT -- Players are annouced through your Moth's messaging system. New players are announced to current players. The option is set with a drop down menu at the top of the 'Network' tab box of the Main Launch Menu. There are three kinds of announcements:
Anonymous -- announcements only state that a new player has entered the game.
Named -- announcements give the human pilot's name, but not where he is located. You can't target from these announcements.
Named and Targeted -- announcements allow you to target pilots from their messages. This is preferred for most play.
INCLUDE CPU PILOTS -- This opton toggles the computer generated pilots on and off. It's under the 'Network' tab.
RESTRICT TO ALPHA CRATER -- Toggling this option on restricts play to the Alpha Crater much like in the demo game. It makes dogfights quicker and pilots easier to find. Good for quick DeathMatches. Toggling the option off allows pilots to fly throughout Misplaced Optimism.
MOTH HOPPING -- Toggling this option on causes the game to generate random Moths in random buildings. These Moths are randomly outfitted, as well. Any player can leave his Moth and board one of these for a quick, free upgrade.
BLOOD MONEY -- This option gives the winner of a dogfight the cash held by the loser. Hey, the loser won't be needing it anymore.
New U3.0 Options
REQUIRE PILOT PASSWORD -- Checking this box protects people joining your long-term games from having someone sneak in with their pilot name alone and wreaking havoc. This has ruined some really good online games, but now it's come to an end. Always use this option if you're hosting a long-term game.
ALLOW GOD HANGAR ACCESS -- Checking this prevents pilots joining your game from being able to use the God Hangar. This might be preferrable in long-term games when everyone should start at the bottom and work their way up. You might want to open the God Hangar for quick Death Matches so people can gear up quickly.
PERSISTENT GAME -- ? If you know about this option, please email me.