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Occurs immediately upon arriving at Psycho Bob's 1 with the cloak installed. This mission takes a little time the first time you do it, but is a snap after that. Bob gives you instructions to locate and get a target lock on two secret bases -- one Lazarus and one Klamp. Finding these two bases is probably the hardest task you'll have to do to get off Titan. A walkthrough here may save you days. You must find and target both the Lazarus and Klamp-G Secret Bases. Let me say at the outset that it pays to have a faction's amnesty before searching for their Secret Bases. The Lazarus Secret Base is in the Resevoir Crater. It is on the backside of the island that the Light Well is located on. You can find it by targeting the Light Well and following the island's shoreline around to the back and looking for a square alcove at water level. That alcove leads to the door to the Secret Base. You'll need to target it. The Klamp-G Secret Base is located at the furthest western point of the Riverside Crater. It's near the crater wall and the easiest way to find it is by followng the crater wall around to the West. Another important part of finding this Secret Base is knowing what it looks like. You might easily mistake it for a regular, but odd looking, storage building. You target the buildings, and any other building, by placing it in the center of your HUD and pressing your "t" key. This will put the Secret Base in the Buildings List of your Nav Menu ("n" key). You should go to your buildings list, find the bases, and lock them in by clicking the "Lock" button shortly after targeting them. This will prevent them from being overwritten by subsequent targeting. They'll be there when you need them later. Targeting the Secret Bases does not put you on either faction's Enemies List. They don't seem to mind. It can be a nightmare, however, if you try searching for these when you are already on a faction's Enemies List. Their patrols will hound you as you hunt. Get amnesty first. After targeting both Secret Bases, go to Psycho Bob's 1, Downtown. He's got another mission lined right up for you. Before you leave Bob's make sure you've locked both of the Secret Bases in your Buildings Menu. You'll need these later. Also remember to arm up while your there. You'll also notice that he's placed Klamp and Lazarus munitions facilities in your building Menu. Keep these. They might be handy later on. ![]()
If you target them early you only have to exit Bob's, target each of them from your 'Building Menu', and Bob will send you a message to return for the next mission. This saves a little running around when time is short.
MISSION 1: Alien Sighting MISSION 2: Klamp Decoy MISSION 3: Mystery Package MISSION 4: Secret Bases MISSION 5: Trigger and Matter MISSION 6: Unknown Origin MISSION 7: Gangboy MISSION 8: Port Blockage MISSION 9: Big Bob MISSION 10: Final Runaround Playing Forever |
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